Thursday, October 2, 2008

Quick Update

I didn't run at all after Saturday, so I made myself go out today. The cold was making me want to stay in and be domestic. But actually, it was really nice. I ran 3.21 miles in 35 mins, which puts me at 10:48. I stopped while I felt good, and I don't feel any more tired now than I did earlier. So maybe I just needed an exercise break. I'll do 12-14 this Saturday, and then serious scaling back (6 the following Saturday).

Seriously, guys, it's getting close!!

On another note, I had to pay the remainder of my $3900 today. By the time the charge goes through I'll be around $1400 short, but I can keep fundraising for another month and then be reimbursed. Although of course I would have liked to keep my contribution lower, I've been really touched by people's generosity, and I feel like the experience I've gotten is invaluable. I have some fundraising stuff in the works, and I'm hoping that at the end I'll pay for the equivalent of my plane ticket and hotel and nothing else.

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