Wednesday, June 25, 2008


On Sunday I ran the Hope and Possibility 5mi in Central Park. It was humid and disgusting (the NYRR website claims it was 70 degrees, but they're full of it), and the roomie and I continued what was a weekend trend of subway navigation failure, so we were kinda late. By the time we started the race, the walkers had already gotten on their way and we'd already expended some of our race energy.

Generally I haven't run this far without stopping to walk at some point, but I decided to run the whole thing even if it meant going dead slow. I only stopped a couple of times to grab a cup of water at a station and swallow half of it. I finished in about 59 minutes, at 11:48min/mile. Certainly not the fastest I can run, but considering the humidity and my inability to breathe, coupled with the residual soreness from cross-training, it was ok. Plus I got a shiny medal :)

Last night's workout was 5.1mi of alternating effort levels. Basically, work as hard as you can for a certain distance, then recover at a low effort level for a certain distance. By mile 3 I was ready to pass out. By mile 5 I was walking. But aside from some knee stiffness I feel fine today, so all is well. I think tonight I will do some strength exercises. Also I ordered a few new pairs of sneakers. I'm pretty sure the ones I got at the beginning of the month are contributing to a variety of aches, and while the amount of money I spent on them makes me cringe, I really need something that can carry me through. Thank goodness for Zappos free shipping so I can try a few out. And thank goodness for the internet for making weird sizes that I need available.

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